What are four important features to look for in a text editor? code completion, syntax highlighting, nice variety of themes, the ability to choose from a healthy selection of extensions available when you need them.
What do the following commands do? pwd it displays the current directory. ls it provides us with a directory listing, showing the names of files and subdirectories in the current directory. cd It allows us to move from one directory to another within our file system. mkdir is used to create new directories or folders within a file system. touch is used to create new, empty files or update the access and modification timestamps of existing files.
Can you explain what is happening in the following scenario if these commands and arguments are entered into the command line? (Arguments are extra instructions given to a command.)
cd projects: This command changes the current working directory to the “projects” directory.
mkdir new-project: This command creates a new directory named “new-project” within the “projects” directory.
touch new-project/newfile.md: This command creates a new, empty file named “newfile.md” inside the “new-project” directory.
cd ..: This command moves you back up one level in the directory structure, taking you from the “projects” directory back to the directory you were in before (the parent directory of “projects”).
ls projects/new-project: This command lists the contents of the “new-project” directory, which is located inside the “projects” directory.